Greenville artist Hilary Jernigan's work is meant to inspire. Her vibrant, non-representational compositions are intended to encourage creativity and evoke a sense of awe and exuberance.

As Jernigan has grown as an artist, her use of color has intensified, and she often focuses on acrylic painting using an improvisational process in which each stroke naturally follows the one before it. As a result, her pieces are fresh, fluid and striking.

A non-representational composition to me is very musical.
Color and value resonate notes, tones and moods.
Shape and line help create a sense of rhythm, tempo and beat.
A finished composition presents its own song.
I hold to the thought that art is visual, not verbal.
My painting is improvisational; each stroke is determined by the place, color and direction of the one before it.
Every piece is fresh and evolving with limitless possibilities.
All of my work is meant to inspire. Whether it inspires you or me-it inspires to grow and create.

Hilary Jernigan